CS8. Flanders Region, Belgium

Soil Pollutant Bioavailability Assessment in Flanders 

Flanders, Belgium. 

Local Context
This case study focuses on assessing the bioavailability of per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) and heavy metals (cadmium, nickel) in private gardens within the Province of Antwerp, especially near heavy industries. Citizens will participate by planting specific test plants in their gardens and monitoring soil conditions to evaluate pollutant transfer to plant tissues. 

Planned Actions
Citizens will plant a variety of crops and greens in their gardens, along with placing soil moisture and temperature sensors. At harvest, samples from the plants and soil will be collected to analyze pollutant concentrations and understand the soil-plant-pollutant transfer dynamics. This initiative aims to establish a citizen-based methodology for tracking soil contamination and developing a public database on soil-plant pollutant transfer factors. 

Expected impacts
The project will yield valuable insights into soil-plant interactions concerning pollutant bioavailability and management practices, contributing to the development of regulatory thresholds and guidelines for soil remediation. 

Partners Involved 

  • Universiteit Hasselt